I’ve officially completed my third week as an occupational therapist at Move U, but as many of you know, this is not the beginning of my Move U journey. I had the privilege of being a student at Move U this past spring while I completed my doctoral capstone project. Sure enough, I had an incredible experience and was lucky enough to be offered a position here upon graduating!

Move U is unlike any other pediatric clinic I’ve been a part of. I got to witness and learn firsthand the high level of excellence and care that Move U provides day in and day out. From my time here as a student, I have learned a few things I would like to share. Whether you are an OT student, clinician, or a parent, I think these same lessons, realizations, and values will also resonate with you, too.

I am not “just” anything.

My entire third year of OT school consisted of rotating between 12 to14 week-long clinical experiences. Each one provided me with a new set of skills, enhanced clinical thinking abilities, and best of all, confidence. But what I didn’t realize until Move U (my last rotation) was that I was still holding myself back, amidst this growth. I was limiting myself to being “just a student.” That, however, was not at all how the Move U team treated me. I was immediately treated with respect, and my input in team meetings was valued as much as anyone else’s on the team. Kristin, my direct mentor for the capstone, was incredibly confident in me from day one. It took me a while to get use to this and to shift my own mindset. Thanks to this team, I’ve learned that this “just” mentality is useless. I know I have a long learning journey ahead of me, but I also recognize that I am capable of far more than I was allowing myself to believe. Being “just ____” is so limiting. No student, parent, or child should believe they are just that. Your role is so impactful! At Move U, I can promise you that when your child walks through our doors, we will never limit them to their current challenges or diagnoses. We see them for their entire selves and feel privileged to help them become their best version of themselves.

Passion is contagious.

The Move U team has an undeniable sense of passion that leads them to be excellent in each of their respective roles. You can tell from their leaders, directors, and occupational therapists how much they care about this organization’s mission. The determination and passion they each hold is unwavering. It directly lends to the high-quality work they do each day. When you come to Move U or attend one of our community events, you, too, will feel it. And when we are surrounded by this kind of energy and zeal, it’s exciting! Without a doubt, Move U will always give you their best as a partner in your child’s health and wellness journey. Our highly skilled, passionate clinicians will empower you and your child with tips and tools to improve everyday experiences. Driven by passion and life-long learning, Move U will inspire you and your child to meet new milestones and do the things that matter most to you.  

It takes a village.  

I have so much to learn as a therapist and I am not expected to do it all on my own. I need to rely on those around me to gain the skills necessary to be a pediatric clinician and leader in our community. Knowing this, it’s critical that I’m surrounded by individuals I can trust and who will lift me up when I need it. You, too, deserve this kind of support system for your child. At Move U, we will always strive to give you the highest quality treatment and education. If we do not have the immediate answer to your question, we will work incredibly hard to find it or point you to another healthcare ally that can support you. We also rely on our “village” to continue growing and offering the best care experience for each client. Lastly, your support system is always in your corner. Should your child need support later as new transitions and milestones arrive, know that you can always reach back out to Move U for continued support.

I could go on with many more nuggets and aha moments, but I feel these three points we can all relate back to. My hope is that Move U can remind you of your potential, your strengths, and the immense worth of your unique goals. This was (and still is) my experience, and it’s already changed the trajectory of my career.

If you’d like to connect with one of our pediatric therapists to support your child, request an appointment here or call 605-409-9533 to learn more!

Kylee Withrow – Pediatric Occupational Therapist