The evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration

The Collaborative for Leadership in Ayres Sensory Integration (CLASI) is an organization devoted to protecting the integrity of sensory integrative theory (About Ayres Sensory Integration® — CLASI ( and offers extensive education, including a certificate program.

Between August and October, I completed 60 hours of online learning in preparation for attendance at a 4-day conference in Longmeadow, Massachusetts, at Bay Path University. The content of the combined 90 hours of education provided:

  • Updated evidence supporting sensory integrative theory.
  • A review of the neurological underpinnings and instruction.
  • Practice administering a new standardized assessment tool still within the standardization process.

The Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) is appropriate for children ages 3 – 12 years and includes a multitude of subtests that identify underlying sensory processing factors that may be contributing to functional challenges. For example, a child that struggles to hold a pencil or holds it too tightly or loosely may have a poor perception of touch, muscle and joint input. Or a child that has a hard time following along to the actions of a song or following instructions may have difficulties with motor planning. Without the knowledge and the tools to accurately assess these areas, the underlying challenges may not be accurately addressed or included within a plan of care. These are only a few examples of how sensory processing can influence function, which this assessment can identify.

Upon returning home, a virtual peer review confirmed my ability to administer and score the EASI accurately. Generally, this is completed in person; however, there are no other providers in our region that have pursued this training. I then completed two practice tests with typically developing children and am ready to utilize this assessment in my sessions. 

In total, this training provided me with a new tool to utilize as appropriate but also confirmed my current knowledge base and expertise in sensory processing and integration disorders.


Learning in the class
Kristin with Instructor
Ready to learn